вторник, 12 января 2016 г.

Treatment of influenza

Treatment of influenza

Influenza - a species of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). The disease is widespread, it is subject to different age groups. The virus affects the respiratory tract, primarily the trachea. To treat the flu during an epidemic falls each year.

Types of influenza 

Acute respiratory disease affects the respiratory tract. The virus is capable of life inside the cells, it is determined by the type of antigen and designated by the letters A, B and C variants of the virus type A for 1-1.5 months to hit 50% of the population.  
-Type A sick pets - horses, pigs and poultry, but the possibility of human infection from animals is not proven.  
-Type B spreads slowly. The epidemic lasts 2-3 months, and affects up to 25% of the population. Most outbreaks occur in schools, camps and among the elderly. Lesions with a single type, appear from time to time, although this kind of ubiquitous. The most common type viruses A and B. 

Flu-like symptoms 

For the disease characterized by rapid and acute onset. During the day the temperature rises to 38-40S. Poznablivaet, this fever is rare. 

However, there is fever headache, localized in the forehead and eyebrow arches. Sore muscles, most of the lower limbs and joints and back. General weakness, lethargy, weakness accompanied by sweating. The skin is dry and hot, redness of the face. Children at a young age and may increase cervical lymph nodes. It's hard to see the light, his eyes burning, they were wet and shiny. It hurts when cornering and pressure on the eyeballs. A day flu symptoms include nausea, vomiting - usually after a meal or medication. The temperature is reduced for 2-3 days, the fever can last up to 7 days. Develop symptoms of rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat and tickle, tormenting dry cough, voice husky. Mucous throat flushed, with a peculiar grit. A characteristic symptom of influenza is a defeat of the trachea, chest ached. Sometimes, on the lips or around the nose is formed rash. Depending on the degree of intoxication and destruction of the respiratory tract in the appointment of the doctor considers the treatment of influenza illness. 
-Mild temperature rises to 38 C, inflamed mucous membranes;  
-At moderate temperature form 38.1 to 40 ° C. Headache, weakness, sweating moderate. Sometimes there is shortness of breath. Cough excruciating, pain behind the breastbone;  
-In severe temperature 40C or higher, chills, bad headache, body ache, not hungry, sick. Tormenting cough, and chest pain. 

Symptoms and course of influenza in children compared with adults are more pronounced. Treatment of respiratory tract disorders, general state requires 5-8 days, children often develop complications. 

Treatment of influenza at home 

Since 1967, for the prevention and treatment of influenza A was used amantadine. Currently, due to the high level of resistance of type A virus known to the drug Zanamivir and Oseltamivir is recommended. 

Your doctor may prescribe antiviral drugs such reception as Arbidol, rimantadine, Virazole, Ribavirin, they treat influenza types A and B. These drugs are especially effective in the beginning of the disease. Headache eliminate paracetamol, ibuprofen. Rhinitis treated Nazivin, naftizina. To stimulate expectoration doctor prescribes mucolytics Mucosolvan, ambrogeksal, Bromhexine. Throat rinse furatsilinom, calendula extract, chamomile, sage. Treatment of influenza in the mild to moderate form of conduct at home. The room should be aired regularly, change bedding often, to get sick individual dishes and towel. In the acute phase of the disease is especially necessary to excessive drinking - tea with honey, raspberry jam, sour fruit juices. After the usual influenza activity should recover gradually. 


Relatively rare, despite treatment, flu symptoms do not decrease, but rather progress. It develops such complications as influenza viral pneumonia. She was predisposed both healthy and suffering from heart disease, a chronic disorder of lung function. 

Sometimes, after the apparent disappearance of the symptoms of the flu condition worsens after 2-3 days and developed bacterial pneumonia, which is accompanied by a cough and purulent sputum. The reason for this complication - the microorganisms that inhabit the throat, which are activated as a result of the weakening of protective forces in the bronchi. Doctor prescribes antibiotics. If happened complication of pneumonia, frequently it occurs simultaneously viral and bacterial form. Recovery does not occur, the disease progresses, alternating periods of improvement. The variety are more prone to complications of chronic cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases. Complications such as sinusitis, otitis media, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the biliary system are rare. 

Prevention of influenza infection 

The virus is transmitted from an infected airborne droplets during coughing, sneezing, talking. It is possible infection at personal contact, a handshake, through household items. 

First, the virus enters the respiratory tract, affects the cells of the epithelium. Then he begins to multiply, implemented in the other cells of the respiratory tract. The incubation period lasts from a few hours to 2-4 days. The virus does not die at + 4C for 2-3 weeks. Partial or total loss of its biological activity at a temperature of +60 .. + 50 comes in a few minutes. Disinfectants destroy the virus immediately. To prevent getting the flu is to avoid contact in the first days of illness, and during fever. If not complicated course of the disease for 5-7 days the virus is released into the environment in the low and therefore harmless to the surrounding concentration. In most cases, recovery is at home within a week after the body is formed by the transferred immune to variations of the disease. Treatment of influenza carried out during the year, but is more common in autumn and winter, due to climatic factors and higher population density. The disease is able to affect all age groups, except for the monthly children. The need for treatment of influenza have not obtained because of the mother's immune system.

Treating flu folk remedies 
-To reduce the heat, large heat rub raw potato with the peel, add 1s.l. vinegar. Wrap mass in gauze and apply to the forehead;  
-Pour into the pan a glass of milk, add 1 / 2ch.l. ginger, crushed red pepper, turmeric. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for 1-2 minutes. Give a little cool, add 1 / 2s.l. butter, 1ch.l. honey. Take a glass 3 times a day;  
-To eliminate symptoms of rhinitis in the treatment of flu grind leaf golden mustache, add the juice of one onion, 1s.l. honey, mix well. Put in cheesecloth and apply to the nostrils, greased with vegetable oil; 
- For the treatment of colds and flu at home is useful to make tea from the leaves of currants on the basis of 1s.l. crushed leaves per cup of boiling water. Insist in a sealed container for 10 minutes, drain. Take a glass 3 times a day. 

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