вторник, 12 января 2016 г.


We treat colds

When the temperature rises, chills, a cough, and lays the nose, most people are quite blithely refers to this state. Treatment of the common cold is largely confined to the elimination of these symptoms. But as it became easier - again to labor feats, building careers and acquiring wealth. Even knowing that this is not true with respect to their own health. As is well known, it is not unlimited, and sooner or later the resource runs out.

According to statistics, suffer from colds 1-2 times a year every 6-7 Russians. This broken state, headache, fatigue. If you had a flu, the consequences could be even more serious, although they are not immediately noticeable. The virus causes intoxication, a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. And even in the absence of treatment seemingly harmless cold to wait a lot of dangers. In severe form of the disease affects the nervous system, respiratory system, heart and blood vessels. SARS is often accompanied by pneumonia, tracheobronchitis.

What is ARI, SARS, influenza and the common cold

Colds, acute respiratory disease, SARS, influenza - these seemingly similar diseases have a number of differences. ARI - acute respiratory disease - a common name of acute respiratory diseases. If it is proved that the cause of the disease is a virus, not just put ARI, and more accurate diagnosis of ARI - acute respiratory viral infection. Influenza is more accurate diagnosis, because it is a form of ARI. It is important to understand that if SARS is relatively easy to carry and does insignificant damage to health, from the flu in the world die each year 2 million. human. The virus is called myxovirus influenzae, it belongs to the family ortomiksovirusov that are transmitted by airborne droplets. This disease, like a runny nose - common type of acute respiratory infections. Runny nose causing rhinoviruses - a class are similar infections.

How are the symptoms and treatment of the common cold by acute respiratory infections, SARS, influenza

Characteristic symptoms of SARS: sore throat, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion and a runny nose. The temperature may rise, but not much. About a week before or a cold pass, although the cough runs later - about two weeks. Nasal discharge yellow or green indicate good resistance to virus immunity.

In the case of a cold sore appears in front of the head, nose begins "itching." Mucous inflamed and swollen, breathing becomes difficult, especially in the supine position. Flu-like symptoms: fever begins, temperature rises, I want to lie down. It appears dry cough starts shivering, aching muscles and body. Treatment of SARS is much easier than the flu. Nasal mucus released despite discomfort associated with nasal congestion, is necessary because in this way the body gets rid of toxins. If you start using the vasoconstrictor sprays, nasal mucosa soon issushivaetsya and lost the ability to distinguish odors. These funds should be used only in extreme cases. It turns out that the well-known joke about the fact that if you treat a cold, it will take place in two weeks, and if not treated, after fourteen days, there is truth. The fact is that the cold-causing viruses are for two weeks. Namely, the virus rapidly multiplies the first few days, then the peak of its activity, followed by a recession. Joking aside, but it does mean that we should not stop treatment a week later, when cold symptoms disappear, but to continue to comply with them to the bitter end, the next seven days.

 Preventing colds

The easiest way to become infected by a virus infection carrier, which has a cold for 3-5 days. Therefore, you must:

-wash hands thoroughly, especially when you sit down at the table;

-for the prevention of colds is not necessary to deal with unwashed hands in the nose, mouth and eyes; 

-for blowing your nose is better to buy disposable wipes - a great way to avoid the possibility of self-infection through repeatedly used a handkerchief;

-during epidemics is not necessary to shake each other's hand;

-should avoid visiting crowded places - public transport, cinemas and supermarkets;

-cold can not stand the cold, fresh air, but loves drafts and dampness, so the need for prevention as often as possible ventilate the room.

Proper treatment of colds and flu

In the case of sickness and the first cold symptoms should immediately begin treatment:

-You need to drink more fluids to accelerate excretion of toxins, as well as to compensate for the loss of moisture when sweating;

 -adult helpful to make a steam inhalation (cure colds in children using inhaled permissible when using water at a temperature not higher than 30-40S avoid burns of the mucous). In the water you can add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus or make dry leaves of the plant;

-As already noted, treatment of a vasoconstrictor to be performed at a cold in an extreme case. It is possible to drip one drop in each nostril eucalyptus oil or fir, since they have bactericidal effect, thereby reducing formation of mucus in the nose; at home is useful to rinse the throat with warm soda solution or salt.

To treat colds with antibiotics is necessary only on prescription. The fact that antibiotics inhibit the immune system, destroying the intestinal microflora, so a specialist can decide whether exceed the expected benefit from the use of antibiotics caused them harm. Furthermore, antibiotics kill bacteria, but not viruses. So in the case of SARS and influenza, they are useless. And waiting for a quick cure with antibiotics - imaginary. The task of the patient during treatment - to help the body fight infection, reducing the symptoms of SARS and strengthening the immune system if there was a cold wet cough, it is not necessary to carry out his treatment. With bronchial cough cleared of accumulated mucus in them. Especially recommended to take expectorant drugs on the basis of licorice root or plantain; in the case of severe nasal congestion and cough, it is important during the night resting position the head higher, that is, to sleep in half-sitting position. Under such circumstances the body mucus from the nose and coughing a lot less annoying; If colds appetite, do not force yourself through the power is there, but be sure to drink plenty of liquids. It is useful to drink chicken soup - it is delicious and nutritious, well softens the throat.

As it is not necessary to treat colds

Separate treatment of the common cold is fraught with various negative consequences:

-Mothers need to know that children under 18 should not give aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) because of the risk to cause Raynaud's syndrome. Such an appointment can only be done by the doctor;

-the treatment without expert advice is hardly possible to take into account the interaction of medicines among themselves as well as possible side effects;

-If you missed the seven-day cycle of the virus and a fever, do not just "shoot down" her. Although, if only because at high temperatures the viruses are killed. Begins to decrease after the temperature should be 38C mark in adults and in children 38,5S.
Treatment at home colds

In the treatment of folk remedies are widely used vitamin C. Therefore, citrus fruits - lemons, tangerines, oranges - in the absence of these allergies are welcome. A lot of vitamin C in vegetables fresh salad. You can cook fresh cabbage juice and take it every day.

A lot of vitamin C in rose hips. To do this, you need to crush the seven hips, put them in a thermos overnight, the bay liter of boiling water. Take during the day over a glass every 2-3 hours. You can drink the infusion of honey, and then rinse your mouth of excess acid, the acid does not corrode tooth enamel;

- When the first symptoms to treatment is useful to prepare carrot juice and stir it mush 3-5 cloves of garlic. Take half a cup medication 3-4 times a day one hour before meals for five days;

-At the beginning of the disease can be treated with cold honey. To do this you need to cook a simple means, mixing the slurry of garlic and honey in equal quantities. Take the night on a tablespoon, washed down with warm water. To prevent colds useful to dissolve propolis (1-2 pea). Propolis can lay his cheek on the night;

-When signs of the common cold to dissolve in a half liter of boiled water a tablespoon coarse salt, the juice of one lemon, 1 g ascorbic acid. If the composition of the drink for the evening without dinner in the morning you can wake up healthy;

-If there is no temperature, the treatment can warm their feet with warm water and mustard;

-In the case of cough with colds can be applied effective folk remedy - to drip 2-3 drops of pine oil in the root of the tongue in the morning and evening, one hour before meals;

-When coughing helps compress of grated horseradish. You can cut a radish into thin slices and sprinkle with sugar. Soon begin to allocate radish juice. Cooked juice treated by taking a tablespoon every hour;

-It can be treated twice a day by washing nose brine. To prepare the solution of half a teaspoon of salt to dissolve in a glass of boiled water. The nasal passages rinsed a small enema, head bent over the sink and throwing back her back to saline solution was poured freely from the nose.

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