Varicose veins: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention
According to statistics published on the website of General Surgery Clinic Medical Faculty Rnrmu them. Pirogov, varicose veins affect more than half the world's population.Every Tuesday AiF Health explains what signs may indicate that you have time to see a doctor. This week we tell what varicose veins, as it is diagnosed, treated, and what to do to stay healthy legs.Some people with the responsibility spits on this issue - and live to venous ulcers. A part - is interested in treatment and prevention, so that by applying a small force to secure healthy feet, ready to run, swimming, mountain climbing and other pleasures of life. It is the second category of people we have prepared a large-scale popular narrative of varicose veins and its treatment.Start with a small anatomical digression: as you know, the blood moves through our body in two circles - big and small. Initiates heart of this movement: it contracts rhythmically, pushing the blood through the aorta, arteries, blood vessels ... From top to bottom, the feet, the blood moves with enthusiasm - thanks to gravity. But before reaching the feet, she had to turn around and go through the veins in the opposite way - up. And this is problematic.