воскресенье, 27 декабря 2015 г.


Angina (from the Latin. Ango - squeeze, soul), an acute infectious disease with a primary lesion of the tonsils. The causative agent - usually strep. Angina is one of the most common diseases, especially in childhood and young age. Occurrence of angina contributes to cooling of the body, the presence of chronic inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis).

Catarrhal angina (most light) begins with a small swelling of the tonsils; mucous membrane of the throat becomes red; It feels dry throat, then there is pain when swallowing. Temperature adults normally rises slightly, the children can be increased to 40 ° C. The disease continues to 3-5 days. When lacunar angina existence more pronounced. The temperature increases rapidly, there is a sore throat, fatigue, headache. In the recesses of the tonsils (the gaps) formed purulent plugs protruding on the surface of the tonsils. Follicular angina usually begins sudden fever, raising the temperature to 39-40 ° C, a sharp pain in my throat. Soon there aching limbs and back pain, headache, general feeling of weakness. On the reddened swollen tonsils and a large number of round yellowish dots - festering small almond slices (follicles). Under unfavorable conditions (low body resistance, the severity of infection) can pass in angina quinsy - purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the amygdala, and the formation of an abscess. The temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, there is a fever, weakness; sore throat (usually on one side) increases rapidly, sharply increases with swallowing, opening the mouth, which often causes the patient to refuse admission are poor and drinking. At quinsy often need surgery. When angina may experience complications - diseases of the joints, kidneys, heart.

Treatment - mandatory bed rest, warm (not hot) liquid nutritious food (vegetables, soups and mashed, liquid cereal, jelly, stewed fruit), vitamins, frequent warm drink (milk, sweet milk tea). On the neck - warm or hot compress bandage; gargling with disinfectants (2% boric acid: sodium chloride, potassium permanganate - slaborozovogo color), sulfa drugs, in severe cases - antibiotics. The patient with angina should be a separate bowl, avoid close contact with others, especially children, to avoid infecting them. Prevention of angina - a systematic hardening, timely treatment of diseases of the mouth and pharynx (adenoid razrascheny, chronic tonsillitis, dental patients) .Angina can be not only a separate disease, but a symptom of some common infectious diseases (scarlet fever, diphtheria), and the manifestation of the disease blood (leukemia). Therefore, at the first sign of angina is necessary to consult a doctor. With a sore throat associated with many misconceptions. What do doctors think of them?

Any sore throat - sore throat. Sore throat can be not only in angina, but with pharyngitis. Angina - is an acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils and other throat and pharyngitis - inflammation of the rear wall. When antibiotics are required tonsillitis, pharyngitis and if it is often enough to use national resources. If you have an infection, accompanied by pharyngitis, the use of antibiotics is not justified. It can lead to decreased immunity, destruction of beneficial microflora of the nasopharynx and intestine. Another danger unnecessary antibiotic treatment - the emergence of drug-resistant species of bacteria.

Angina infected only through close contact with patients, such as kissing. The main route of transmission of angina - airborne, so the infection can spread when speaking at a close distance. In rooms with low temperatures and high humidity, the risk of "resettlement" of germs is particularly high. There is another way of infection angina - food, that is food. In milk, minced meat, vegetables, fruit, jelly, mashed potatoes can get germs from small pustules on the skin of hands. There are cases when the hands of the infected cook infected with angina several dozen people. Therefore, you can not use the same dishes, a towel and handkerchief with a sick person. Ill with angina in the acute phase should have as little contact. However, the "infectiousness" of angina is not a wholly-owned. It is just less than 15 percent. This is lower than that of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. There are many cases in which healthy people kissed patients with angina and is not infected. It's all about the state of the human immune system.

Angina occurs only in people with a weak neck. Actually angina can "lick" everyone, including those with completely healthy throat. It is often the case with unquenched people who are not accustomed to changes in temperature and humidity. However, it noted that the number suffering from angina decreases significantly after the age of 30. This phenomenon is associated with the changing characteristics of the immune system.

Angina can be transferred to the legs or lie for a couple of days at home. For this disease, many are not serious. Just think, maybe more throat a couple of days the temperature hold. However, unlike viral pharyngitis, tonsillitis dangerous for its unpredictable consequences. The infection can penetrate into the ears, maxillary sinuses, heart and cause inflammation in these organs. Complication frequent sore throats and rheumatism may be developing on the background of heart defects. Sometimes a sore throat after having severe kidney disease. Very dangerous are local complications: inflammation of the tissue around the tonsils. Penetration of infection into surrounding tissue results in the formation of an abscess that requires surgical treatment. Nedolechennaya infection can lead to a repetition of the disease in the future - to the chronic tonsillitis. In addition, under the symptoms of angina can mask a terrible disease like diphtheria. The earlier identified diphtheria, the greater the chance of successful treatment of it without consequences. For diphtheria strongest release toxins that immediately begin to hit the heart and kidneys. One hundred percent answer to the question: angina or diphtheria? - It gives only a special swab. So if you have a pronounced sore throat and high temperature, be sure to consult a doctor. 

If homes have antibiotics, we can begin treatment on their own and do not call the doctor. With angina can be a standard set of drugs. Prescribers should be a doctor. Around the world and in our country is growing resistance of microbes to antibiotics. There it is, for various reasons, including because of the uncontrolled use of drugs. Ideally, before they prescribe the medicine, the patient's throat swab taken. He needed to find out which bacteria cause disease. Pap identifies bacteria and sensitivity to certain drugs. Pending the results of smear usually prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. They act on the main groups of bacteria that cause sore throat. We need about three days to test the effectiveness of a drug. If there is no result, should be appointed by the other. Choose the appropriate antibiotic and to assess its effectiveness can only be a specialist. Staying "one on one" with a sore throat has not recommended because this disease is required examination. Urine and blood, ECG will show whether complications.

With angina can be managed with home remedies such as gargling. Home remedies for the treatment of angina are effective only in the early stages of the disease. Even before the arrival of the doctor it would be good to start treatment. At high temperatures can take an antipyretic medicine: koldreks, Fervex, Panadol, efferalgan or Nurofen. Preference is given to those drugs that are available in the form of powders or effervescent tablets. They are easier to swallow. You can apply and antipyretic candles - efferalgan or tsefekon N. All these medicines at the same time reduce the pain in the throat and reduce the temperature. You can also dissolve in the mouth antiseptics in candies, pastilles or lozenges that have antimicrobial activity. Now there are new forms of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the throat - sprays. Gargle with angina, of course, you need this procedure accelerates recovery. Better to use extracts of herbs - chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula and sage. In the first days of illness benefit mouthwash with warm soda solution, prepared at the rate of one teaspoon per cup of water. However, antiseptics of rinses, drops and spray can not get in the amygdala, in her cloth. And it's going on reproduction "malicious" bacteria. That's why antibiotics for sore throat - the most important and necessary medicines. 

 The long course of antibiotics to anything. Once the temperature returns to normal, treatment can cease. Some complications develop angina in the recovery period. And for the complete destruction of pathogenic microbes need time. Therefore, according to modern concepts, the minimum term antibiotic treatment of angina - 10 days. This is true for the vast majority of antimicrobial agents. The only exception is a modern drug, azithromycin, or sumamed. It is enough to take 5 days. In addition to durability, it is important to observe the mode of administration of the drug. Some people think that if a drug is scheduled 3 times a day, it can have a drink at 10 in the morning, at lunch and hours of 6pm. This is not true. For antibiotics it is very important that the drugs were between meals at regular intervals. That is the scheme "3 times per day" implies that you have to take pills at 8 am, 16 noon and at midnight. During the treatment of angina drink tea for soothing the throat. To prepare it, in a regular or herbal tea, add the infusion of marshmallow roots and honey. Recovery from a sore throat is considered normal body temperature for 5 days, no sore throat and pain during palpation of the lymph nodes of the neck. Should be normal parameters of analyzes of blood, urine and electrocardiogram. In order to best protect yourself from complications of angina, two weeks after recovery should be protected from hypothermia and avoid strenuous exercise. When the temperature of the body or the appearance of any other abnormalities within 1-2 months after angina it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Treat any sore throat cough drops? Perhaps the only ingredient in candies, capable of a greater or lesser extent help for diseases of the throat, are menthol or eucalyptus oil for centuries used as antiinflammatory and disinfectants. As for the ability to "cough drops" to cure diseases of the throat, it is only in the initial stages of the disease they are to some extent contribute to the prevention of disease. But in the midst of a sore throat or a sore throat, they can cause a short relief. Independently same cure a sore throat lozenges can not.

Chronic tonsillitis can be cured to regularly removing the cork from the tonsils. In fact, in any case can not remove corks, squeezing them with a spoon, needle (and sometimes is), and other materials at hand. Tonsil tissue injury, of infection, as well as the ability to mix up the cork with festering follicles during exacerbation of angina, can lead to serious consequences.

To avoid angina and chronic tonsillitis, it is necessary to remove tonsils. This position has long been dominant in the medical environment. However, according to recent data, removing the tonsils in a large percentage of cases does not guarantee getting rid of diseases of the throat. Inflamed rear wall, nasopharyngeal and lingual tonsil. By the same operation - is a radical intervention in the organism. Its consequences may not always be favorable. In addition, the palatine tonsils - the body's immune system, a person who carries a protective function. That is why many doctors initially try to use all possible methods of treatment of non-operational. Only in extreme cases, when the tissue of the tonsils due to the constant inflammation ceases to perform his functions, a decision is made about the operation. 

1 комментарий:

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