воскресенье, 19 апреля 2020 г.

World Coronavirus:

Coronavirus: Doctors have posted symptoms by day

The coronavirus pandemic has swept the world. Symptoms of the day, which were published in a study of Chinese doctors, will help to show how the disease progresses.

Case studies of two Wuhan (China) hospitals that came after December 29th and were discharged or died before January 31st were used as the basis for the research.

Symptoms of Covid-19 coronavirus are often similar to flu or SARS.

четверг, 14 января 2016 г.


Varicose veins: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

According to statistics published on the website of General Surgery Clinic Medical Faculty Rnrmu them. Pirogov, varicose veins affect more than half the world's population.Every Tuesday AiF Health explains what signs may indicate that you have time to see a doctor. This week we tell what varicose veins, as it is diagnosed, treated, and what to do to stay healthy legs.Some people with the responsibility spits on this issue - and live to venous ulcers. A part - is interested in treatment and prevention, so that by applying a small force to secure healthy feet, ready to run, swimming, mountain climbing and other pleasures of life. It is the second category of people we have prepared a large-scale popular narrative of varicose veins and its treatment.Start with a small anatomical digression: as you know, the blood moves through our body in two circles - big and small. Initiates heart of this movement: it contracts rhythmically, pushing the blood through the aorta, arteries, blood vessels ... From top to bottom, the feet, the blood moves with enthusiasm - thanks to gravity. But before reaching the feet, she had to turn around and go through the veins in the opposite way - up. And this is problematic.


The symptoms of conjunctivitis and treatment

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the conjunctival membranes. It is located on the rear surface of the eyelids and covers the eyeball to the junction with the cornea. Conjunctivitis can have different origins: how infectious-dependent and non-communicable-dependent.

вторник, 12 января 2016 г.

Treatment of influenza

Treatment of influenza

Influenza - a species of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI). The disease is widespread, it is subject to different age groups. The virus affects the respiratory tract, primarily the trachea. To treat the flu during an epidemic falls each year.

Types of influenza 

Acute respiratory disease affects the respiratory tract. The virus is capable of life inside the cells, it is determined by the type of antigen and designated by the letters A, B and C variants of the virus type A for 1-1.5 months to hit 50% of the population.  
-Type A sick pets - horses, pigs and poultry, but the possibility of human infection from animals is not proven.  
-Type B spreads slowly. The epidemic lasts 2-3 months, and affects up to 25% of the population. Most outbreaks occur in schools, camps and among the elderly. Lesions with a single type, appear from time to time, although this kind of ubiquitous. The most common type viruses A and B. 


We treat colds

When the temperature rises, chills, a cough, and lays the nose, most people are quite blithely refers to this state. Treatment of the common cold is largely confined to the elimination of these symptoms. But as it became easier - again to labor feats, building careers and acquiring wealth. Even knowing that this is not true with respect to their own health. As is well known, it is not unlimited, and sooner or later the resource runs out.

According to statistics, suffer from colds 1-2 times a year every 6-7 Russians. This broken state, headache, fatigue. If you had a flu, the consequences could be even more serious, although they are not immediately noticeable. The virus causes intoxication, a negative effect on the cardiovascular system. And even in the absence of treatment seemingly harmless cold to wait a lot of dangers. In severe form of the disease affects the nervous system, respiratory system, heart and blood vessels. SARS is often accompanied by pneumonia, tracheobronchitis.

воскресенье, 27 декабря 2015 г.


Scabies. Description, symptoms, prevention and treatment of scabies

Scabies (lat. Scabiei) - a contagious skin disease caused by a microscopic parasite - scabies or itch mites (lat. Sarcoptes scabiei var. Hominis).
The name comes from the other pathogen. -grech. σάρξ (meat and flesh), κόπτειν (to chew, tear, cut) and the Latin. scabere (comb).
Characteristic features of the disease are itching and rash papulovezikuleznaya, often with the addition of secondary pustular elements as a result of infection by scratching. The word "scabies" is the same root with the verb.

History of the study of the diseaseThe first descriptions of scabies made more than 2500 years ago. Scabies is described in the Old Testament and in the writings of Aristotle. In ancient Greece, mange refers to a group of skin diseases combined term "psora". In ancient Rome, scabies called "scabies" is the name survived to this day. In medieval treatises speculated about the parasitic nature of scabies.Credible evidence of the role of scabies mites in the development of the disease appear only after the creation of an optical microscope. In 1687, the Italian physician Giovanni Cosimo Bonomo and pharmacist Dyachinto Cheston first described the link between scabies and typical skin symptoms that develop after infection. It was the first time they have found that the disease can be caused by microscopic organisms.Full and accurate description of the etiology and pathogenesis gave in 1844 a German dermatologist Ferdinand Hebra. This manual was in 1876 translated into Russian Polotebnevym AG.


Angina (from the Latin. Ango - squeeze, soul), an acute infectious disease with a primary lesion of the tonsils. The causative agent - usually strep. Angina is one of the most common diseases, especially in childhood and young age. Occurrence of angina contributes to cooling of the body, the presence of chronic inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis).

Catarrhal angina (most light) begins with a small swelling of the tonsils; mucous membrane of the throat becomes red; It feels dry throat, then there is pain when swallowing. Temperature adults normally rises slightly, the children can be increased to 40 ° C. The disease continues to 3-5 days. When lacunar angina existence more pronounced. The temperature increases rapidly, there is a sore throat, fatigue, headache. In the recesses of the tonsils (the gaps) formed purulent plugs protruding on the surface of the tonsils. Follicular angina usually begins sudden fever, raising the temperature to 39-40 ° C, a sharp pain in my throat. Soon there aching limbs and back pain, headache, general feeling of weakness. On the reddened swollen tonsils and a large number of round yellowish dots - festering small almond slices (follicles). Under unfavorable conditions (low body resistance, the severity of infection) can pass in angina quinsy - purulent inflammation of the tissues surrounding the amygdala, and the formation of an abscess. The temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, there is a fever, weakness; sore throat (usually on one side) increases rapidly, sharply increases with swallowing, opening the mouth, which often causes the patient to refuse admission are poor and drinking. At quinsy often need surgery. When angina may experience complications - diseases of the joints, kidneys, heart.